How small things can change your life

We all want to change our lives for better. We aim big, run fast, and try to achieve whatever makes us feel better. But we often ignore the small things, the small more important things. We ignore the very basic purpose of our existence i.e. to be happy and make others happy.


Often we run to complete those big projects and earn those handsome revenues, and we neglect the happiness that hides its face in the smaller things. These small things make a big impact on our minds and our lives. So what are the small things and how they change our lives?


1. Smile to yourself and smile at others


Smiling is one of the biggest small things known to impact your life. Whenever we smile, we make our ins and outs happier. Have a habit of smiling more often even when you have nobody around. Think about the good things that happened to your across the day and feel happy about them. Also, have a habit of smiling at others. No matter what kind of a day another person is having, when you smile they smile too, and that's a big deed of spreading smiles.


2. Keep Clean


We all love to live in a clean and beautiful environment. But why is it that often we are the ones dirtying and uglifying it. Develop a habit of keeping your surroundings clean. Throw the trash at the right place and pick any if you see. Clean your workplace and residence every day. The hygiene will sure make you happy.


3. Give


Giving always makes us happy. Be it a donation for a cause or coffee to our friends. Make time to visit the places where you can find the needy and do whatever you can do for them. Also be a giver in your friend circle and family. You would be more than happy doing these things.


4. Talk to strangers


Have you ever met a stranger who talked to you randomly? It's a great feeling. Return the favour and do it to others. Say hello to some strangers and have random chats. People would be glad to receive that, and you would feel awesome as well.


5. Fight your fears


We all have some fears, and we often try to distant ourselves from the things that scare us. Only a few of us take the other path and fight our fears every single day. Then a day comes when we are no more scared of that same thing again. So to be a better sequel of yours, fight your fears and conquer them. It would change your life.


6. Be responsible


In our lives, we pursue a lot of things. Some we excel at and some we fail. It's human nature to blame others if anything goes wrong. Wrong this nature and own up to the things. Take responsibilities and take a stand to right your wrongs. You would be proud of yourself.


7. Socialise


Our schedule keeps us busy so much so that we don't even have proper time to be a family for our families. Stop busying yourself that much and take out time to socialise. Meet friends or people from your industry out of your work. You would be a better you then.


8. Sleep


Don't lose your sleep for the sake of your work. You would cut some hours of your job when you sleep the right amount, but you will be healthy. It won't let you be disgusted while on work. You would feel fresh and better.


9. Love yourself


Not only love yourself but also express it to yourself. Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself that you're awesome. Appreciate your awesomeness on your own. It would change a lot for you.


Add to the list your own amazing little things that changed your life for the better. We would love to hear.